Thursday, 15 October 2009

what i have learned about the film making process from the creation of the preliminary Task.

From creating the preliminary task of a thriller I have learned that using different camera shots creates more effect. A few examples which were used in the opening clip of my thriller was shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 degree rule.
Shot reverse shot is when the camera is alternating shots, in my clip it goes from the picture to the person back to the picture.
Match on action is when a shot is cut and then continued, this is usually done when editing the film.
The last shot was the 180 degree rule which is a rule which maintains the line of action which should not be crossed, this is because if you cross the line then the viewers are seeing the characters from a complete different view.
Also I have learned that using different camera angles creates different affects. I used a few different camera angles these were high angle which is when the camera looks down on the subject, also I used medium shot which is when the subject is of moderate size within the frame.