Wednesday, 28 April 2010

These two images show how from the preliminary we have improved our camera skills for the opening sequence.
In the shot of the bath there was slight rotation where the camera slowly moved around to make it clearer who was in the bath.
For the clip on the stairs the camera showed just the legs of someone walking up and down. this gives the opening sequence some suspense as it doesnt show you who is in the house.

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

original copy

For this task, i picked a clip from my opening sequence and changed it by using different effects to see what it would look like.

The first effect i used was Flash, this goes well with this clip as there is a camera involved so it could be the flash of the camera.

The next effect is mirror. i liked this effect as its like it closes and the opens again to show the final image.

In this clip i used the rain affect, this is because its kind of dark outside, and it shows that the stalker will still watch them no matter what the weather is like.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

From the preliminary task i have learnt, using different camera angles helps to show different points of views. Also i have learnt that you should take several different shots from different point of views so that you can pick the best one to go in the movie. Also when editing the preliminary task, i learnt how to edit each clip to erase all the irelivant parts, i also learnt how to make it look continious by adding transitions inbetween clips.

The images above are from my prliminary task, the with the title on it shows who is invoved in the task, the second shot shows how we can use the camera to show a close up of a character or an item.

The two shots above are from the opening sequence, the image which shows starring written over the top of the clip shows how we have developed our skills from our preliminary task by instead of having the title and who was in the film all on one clip in the opening sequence we put starring and the character over the clip which they are involved in.
The second shot of the phone, is similar to the preliminary task as it is a close up of 999 being dialed into a phone, which shows they are making an emergency call.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

how did you attract/address your audience

The video is of my opening sequence.

People have commented on my opening sequence and have said that all our ideas were good but it was confusing, and loads of questions needed to be answered because they were a bit unsure how it all happened.

also how our opening sequence is more like a trailer rather then an opening sequence.

when we created our ideas, we had it planned out, but we had to change parts of our opening sequence quite a few times.

Who would be the audience for your media product.

The age rating for our thriller would be 15. This is because it can contain scenes which may be scary for little children, and involves blood and death.

I looked at a thriller which is aimed at the type of audience i would like to attract. the thriller i looked at is 'shutter island'.

These images are from shutter island which has an age rating of 15. The movie would attract people because of its storyline.

the picture is of an ordinary teenager, their interest could be movies, reading and hanging out with friends. they would dress normally. There age would be between 15-21 as people which are older may not enjoy it and if they are too young then they may not understand.A teen may be interested in any types of movies e.g. horror, thrillers, comedy or romance etc. Young teens will be studying which could give them a better understanding of the films they go to see.

Monday, 22 March 2010

what kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

The 3 thriller films i am going to look at are: Psycho (1998), the strangers and the escapist.

Psycho is about a girls which goes to a motel and gets watched then murdered.

This is similar to my opening sequence, as two girls are being watched and they do not know about it and then their brother dies. In the trailer of Psycho, a woman is being watched and she is then murderd.

The other thriller film i looked at which was similar to my opening sequences is the strangers.

This is similar because its about two people getting stalked by something/someone, and they dont know who.

in what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Thriller conventions are films with suspense with a plot, thrillers progress with a growing sense of threat or danger and the excitment of persuit.

My opening sequence has some of the thriller conventions as it has a bit of suspense envovled as someone gets murdered but we dont know who murdered that character, this could encourage the audience to come and watch the thriller.

This picture shows us someone walking up the stairs, in the thriller we do not get to see who is walking up the stairs but we just see their legs, this gives some suspence as the audience will want to find out who it is and what they are doing.

The image of the boy in the bath, also gives some suspense as no one knows who killed him and someone had been in the house while the girls were not there.

Friday, 12 March 2010

how does your media prodcut represent particular social groups?

plays the roles of one of the school girls who is babysitting her brother. she is abit more outgoing then her friend marie. Natasha has been compared to one of the main characters from Mean Girls, this is because the character we compared her to is one which is outgoing, and seems popular and gets what she wants.

Marie is the other school girl who is a bit more sensible then natasha, but also seems to follow natasha and never does anything wrong altough when it does go wrong she seems very worried. Marie is compared to a character from Wild Child who is very sensible, very mature and never wants to do anything wrong but when she does she gets very worried.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Group task

For our group task, we have to create an opening sequence to a thriller film. Before we are aloud to start filming we have to decide what our thriller is going to be about, the characters involved, and what our target audience is.
In my group is Natasha, Marie and Will.
As a group we have to create a group blog, for this blog we all have to upload different tasks. The tasks i did for the group blog are the following:
character profiles
what our audiences are looking for
stalker ideas
our ideas