Friday, 27 November 2009

Blade II

Examine how genre and characters are introduced? what conventions are present? how does the film try and grab audiences attention?what questions are you left asking from the opening sequence?

The main character (Blade) is introduced through a voiceover ecplaining about himself. It shows us when he was born and explains about his strengths.
It also introduces us to another character called Whistler who goes missing and Blade is going to find him.
The clips show several weapons and bullets for Blade to use.
The opening clip ends in suspense, which is when the audience then want to see more as they want to know more.
Some questions which we were left asking: Why is he a vampire?
Why did he need weapons to hunt?
Who attacked Whistler?

Fight Club

For the second opening sequence you analyse, Focus on how the narrative is introduced to you. what clues do you get about the films content- from the opening sequence? how is the narrative introduced?

background music: sounded like club music and then a voice over.
Camera: Fast moving
Lights: lights flash in certain areas, bright colours.

the clip looks like it is showing the inside of someone. the camera moves in various directions, there are flashes of light running through what looks like tubes. Film credits are shown evertime the camera slows down and stops.

Suddenly we see two vague circles and the camera slowly moves in and they become clearer, the camera then rotates and we see a character sitting upright on the floor with a gun his mouth and a character who we can olny see an arm of holding the gun.


Task 1/ For the first one- focus on the titles- how does the title sequence give yu clues about the film. Use screen captures to illustrate your point. Analyse colour, fonts, names of filmcompanies etc.

The film companies involved with this film were miramax films and stratus film company.
Film by: Florent siri this was shown to us in bold whit letters on a wall.

When the title is shown to us it is in big red block letters which could indicate to us that it coukd be a murder film as the red could be blood.
All the titles in the opening clip are made in a similar way, Bold font with either white or black background and some have red writing.
Throughout the clip by some of the credits there would be police, it was as if they were waiting for a command but also watching something.

The camera moves on and then your on top of a roof, there are police on top, the camera looks down and there is a street of houses and one is highlighted red, this could be the house the police are watching.

All the clues in the opening sequence make me think that the film is about someone who is being held hostage and the police are trying to get that person out without getting them injured.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Director: Christopher Nolan

What is the film about?
-unusual narrative structure
-memories- reflections of murder
-starting at the end- everything is in reverse.

How are characters introduced?
-Nervous inexperienced Killer
-prepared and highly focused killer
-significance of suit
-picture of significance

How is Genre introduced?
-Typical Iconography - guns, blood, and bullet.

What keeps us watching?
-Why is he taking a picture?
-Who is he?
-Who has he killed?

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Openining Sequence

Film: Seven

Director: David Fincher

What do we learn about the character/s?

-Police officer
-gun holster- which shows his an officer
-suit- which shows his an officer
-badge- which shows his an officer
-his organised and has a routine in the morning.
-lives alone which suggest his lonely.

-Could be old guys replacement
-enthusiastic about being a detective
-passionate and laid back

What's the film about?
-About senior officers
-a case that needs to be solved- introduced with an initial crime scene
-the relationship between two characters and how they work as a team.

What will keep us watching?
-what happend with the murdered man?
-what will happen within the 7 days Bradd is there?
-the cast is very well known.

How is Genre introduced?

-Disturbing opening titles - stalker or physcotic
-eerie noises and mystery
-uncertaintity and enigma created- metromome and murder scene
-unnerving music title sequence.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Opening Sequence

Title: What Lies Beneath
Director: Robert Zemekis
Year of release: 2000

Music is haunting, suggesting ghosts.
Piano is high pitched, creepy connotations.
Diegetic sound of someone gasping tells the audience that something must be wrong.
Offkey note suggests something is wrong.
The silence that exists in the bathroom draws audiences attention to particular sounds like gasping and hairdrying.
Indicates she may be alone.

Title Graphics
Title of the film is underwater, tells the audience that water could be important.
20th Centuary Fox are the distributers which suggests they had good props and a big budget.
Ghost like titles tinged with blue to go with the water.

Mise en scene
She lives near the water- in first shot after initial sequence.
The bathroom was the main focus- indicates something will happen in the bathroom.
Scary/Dead looking face in shot before seeing the main character- maybe showing a connection.
Shes in a big house, middle class, and alone.
Boat on the lake draws attention to the lake.

in the house- artificial lighting was used
underwater- Dark but every now and again an effect of light lighting would appar to make it look like a reflection on the water.

Camera movement
at the start the camera moves in slowly and then stops to show the title then moves again, the opening looks underwater and then suddenly when the main character appears from underwater in the bath the camera is looking at her from another shot.
the camera angle when the character is using the hairdryer is focused mainly on the hairdryer itself.

most of the colours used are blue, grey and white. Blue is to represent the water and then the grey and white was the colours of the bathroom and the objects used in the bathroom, this can be to represent the time of day and to stand out more when something bad is going to happen.

Questions asked to know how it catches our attention.
Why is the main Character underwater?
What is the connection with the main character and the face under water?
What is the significance of water?
Whos face is under the water?

Click on the picture to watch the opening clip which i analysed >

i only analysed the first 2 min 46 seconds.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

what i have learned about the film making process from the creation of the preliminary Task.

From creating the preliminary task of a thriller I have learned that using different camera shots creates more effect. A few examples which were used in the opening clip of my thriller was shot reverse shot, match on action and the 180 degree rule.
Shot reverse shot is when the camera is alternating shots, in my clip it goes from the picture to the person back to the picture.
Match on action is when a shot is cut and then continued, this is usually done when editing the film.
The last shot was the 180 degree rule which is a rule which maintains the line of action which should not be crossed, this is because if you cross the line then the viewers are seeing the characters from a complete different view.
Also I have learned that using different camera angles creates different affects. I used a few different camera angles these were high angle which is when the camera looks down on the subject, also I used medium shot which is when the subject is of moderate size within the frame.