Friday, 6 November 2009

Opening Sequence

Title: What Lies Beneath
Director: Robert Zemekis
Year of release: 2000

Music is haunting, suggesting ghosts.
Piano is high pitched, creepy connotations.
Diegetic sound of someone gasping tells the audience that something must be wrong.
Offkey note suggests something is wrong.
The silence that exists in the bathroom draws audiences attention to particular sounds like gasping and hairdrying.
Indicates she may be alone.

Title Graphics
Title of the film is underwater, tells the audience that water could be important.
20th Centuary Fox are the distributers which suggests they had good props and a big budget.
Ghost like titles tinged with blue to go with the water.

Mise en scene
She lives near the water- in first shot after initial sequence.
The bathroom was the main focus- indicates something will happen in the bathroom.
Scary/Dead looking face in shot before seeing the main character- maybe showing a connection.
Shes in a big house, middle class, and alone.
Boat on the lake draws attention to the lake.

in the house- artificial lighting was used
underwater- Dark but every now and again an effect of light lighting would appar to make it look like a reflection on the water.

Camera movement
at the start the camera moves in slowly and then stops to show the title then moves again, the opening looks underwater and then suddenly when the main character appears from underwater in the bath the camera is looking at her from another shot.
the camera angle when the character is using the hairdryer is focused mainly on the hairdryer itself.

most of the colours used are blue, grey and white. Blue is to represent the water and then the grey and white was the colours of the bathroom and the objects used in the bathroom, this can be to represent the time of day and to stand out more when something bad is going to happen.

Questions asked to know how it catches our attention.
Why is the main Character underwater?
What is the connection with the main character and the face under water?
What is the significance of water?
Whos face is under the water?

Click on the picture to watch the opening clip which i analysed >

i only analysed the first 2 min 46 seconds.

1 comment:

  1. I like the note form of analysis you have done - spell "Diegetic" properly please.
    You need to include the links to the opening sequences and images to illustrate your points.
    Please correct by Friday.
